ATHENA Network is pleased to announce a call for applications for our #WhatGirlsWant Program Country Focal Points from Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Ghana, and Cameroon. We are a feminist organization working at the intersection of HIV, sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender-based violence, and gender equality. We are also dedicated to promoting gender equality, social justice, and empowerment of adolescent girls and young women. We believe in creating safe and inclusive spaces for AGYW to thrive, develop their potential, and actively shape research, programs, and policies that affect their lives and communities.
About #WhatGirlsWant Program
Launched by ATHENA Network in 2019, #WhatGirlsWant is powered by young women in all their diversity who seek to lead the change for women/girls’ rights and move the needle on gender equality. The program engages an expansive network of [primarily] young women-led organisations and individuals (AGYW) working to advance gender equality, mobilize for AGYW rights and health (especially SRHR), and engage meaningfully across key advocacy spaces – locally, regionally, and globally.
#WhatGirlsWant Country Focal Points drive the program in their respective countries, creating space for agenda setting on gender equality, fostering peer and inter-generational dialogues, setting the agenda for young feminist organizing on the ground, and championing AGYW rights and priorities in HIV, SRHR and Gender Equality policymaking, research, programming, and funding streams. They build the momentum and traction and sustain a movement for action, information sharing, and an intersectional feminist agenda that recognizes the leadership, insights, and perspectives of girls and young women.
We welcome applications from young (self-identifying) women and non-binary individuals between 18-30 years old who:
- Currently live in any one of the following countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Ghana, and Cameroon;
- Are strongly committed to feminist principles and values, including standing up for gender equality, dismantling patriarchal structures, and challenging gender-based discrimination and violence;
- Demonstrate a passion for and/or interest in advocacy on HIV, SRHR, Gender-based Violence, and Gender Equality at the national, regional, and/or global level. (While applicants with extensive advocacy experience are equally welcome, we are keen to receive applications from young people who are knowledgeable about HIV, SRHR, GBV, and gender equality and are interested in strengthening their advocacy skills.);
- Possess strong communication skills;
- Are able to work both independently and collaboratively within a virtual team, respecting diverse perspectives and fostering a supportive and inclusive culture;
- Demonstrate experience or interest in leading community engagements and mobilizing AGYW around issues affecting them and their communities and
- Possess a high sense of responsibility, professionalism, and personal leadership with the ability to meet agreed deadlines, demonstrate integrity, and respect confidentiality.
Selected Country Focal Points will commit to:
- Advancing the mission/vision of ATHENA Network and the #WhatGirlsWant Program;
- Being available to serve as a Focal Point for an initial period of 6 months (September 15th 2023 – March 15th 2024), with a likelihood of renewal subject to performance and funding availability. The expected time commitment is 5 hours per week;
- Co-designing/leading online and offline community engagement activities and engaging in national/regional/global advocacy spaces (as opportunities arise), with relevant travel support, accompaniment, small activity grants and quarterly stipends provided by ATHENA Network; and
- Reporting bi-weekly to ATHENA’s program team on agreed deliverables and ancillary engagements as a Country Focal Point.
Application Process
To apply for the #WhatGirlsWant Country Focal Point position, please email the following as a single PDF document to comms@networkathena.org by 11.59 EAT on Friday, 8th September 2023:
- A motivation statement expressing your interest and describing how you meet the above eligibility criteria (maximum – 1 page)
- A detailed resume or curriculum vitae (CV) outlining your academic/work experience and relevant skills (maximum – 2 pages)
- Contact information for two references who can speak to your qualifications and commitment to feminist principles and values.
Thank you for your interest in joining our #WhatGirlsWant Program. We look forward to receiving your application and working together to create a more equitable and inclusive society.